Michaela Ennis

Making a personal site right after I quit academia, perfect timing

I am not planning to look for jobs again any time soon, maybe ever. But I want to better compile the things I’ve worked on up to this point, and have a place to post any writing I do in the ~6 months I’ll be taking off between finishing my PhD and starting my career. Hence constructing this personal website.

Stay tuned for actual curated content! In the meantime you might glance at my ridiculously long thesis.


About Me


I recently finished a Neuroscience PhD at Harvard, where I worked on my thesis with the Institute for Technology in Psychiatry at McLean Hospital. In parallel with the applied machine learning work I did there, I also worked on deep learning theory projects with the Nonlinear Systems Lab at MIT.

Previously, I finished a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, where I also completed undergrad with a double major in EECS and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, plus a minor in Mathematics. Prior internship experience includes quant finance (Jane Street), sports analytics (Jaguars), computational biology (Novartis), software engineering (Google), and biology bench work (Rockefeller).

For Fun

At MIT I lived in East Campus (RIP) on second west, aka Putz. I seriously can’t overstate what an awesome time that was. It’s also how I got roped into serving on the organizing committees for MIT’s class of 2016 Pi reunion in Vegas and later Tau reunion in Nashville, which I’m grateful for.

I love Boston and hope to live there again some day. In the meantime I’ll be a Red Sox fan from afar! Of course football is my favorite sport though, and I was lucky to grow up with Giants season tickets, a tradition I’ll be continuing. Another great thing about New Jersey is the (relative) prevalence of platform tennis, which is the best sport to play and definitely the superior racket sport.